Great Apps for Pet Owners


The American Red Cross recently announced that they plan to release a new application for Andriod and Iphone users this fall that will help pet owners apply pet first aid in the event of an emergency. There is already a first aid app for humans’ which is full of useful information about how to handle the most common first aid emergencies. This app was launched on June 14th of this year and to get the free first aid app for people.

There are already other first aid apps available for pets that charge a small fee like Pet First Aid by Jiva Media and PetSaver App from PetTech. These apps can be very helpful especially in the summer months when we tend to take our pets outside more and things like heat exhaustion, dehydration and cut feet from broken glass can be a common first aid situation.

Smart phones can also provide needed information regarding pets. For example, Llamaface offers an app called iKibble Free that can help pet owners to decide which foods to feed our pets. They search out databases to determine which foods are good and which may be harmful for our pets. They even provide recipes for preparing your dog’s food.

Triad Retail Media offers Petometer to help track you and your pet’s favorite exercise routes as you both keep in shape. This can be very useful for pet owners that regularly run with their dog as some routes are better for the dog’s paws then others. Softer surfaces can also help us humans when we run.

Another great app is offered by Nestle Purina Petcare Company and is called Petcentric. It can help pet owners find pet friendly bars, restaurants, hotels, local vet, pet stores, animal shelters and a host of other pet centered information.

As more and more people turn to smart phone technology there will be more apps for everything including pets.


  1. has Android and iPhone Apps for finding pet-friendly lodging, attractions, parks, beaches, camping, shopping, dining, pet air travel and international travel info and more. Worldwide. Available as a free App, or go to from a mobile phone or from a pad or desktop. Kindle and Nook Ebooks also. Apps are at

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