Sunday, February 23, 2025

Healthy and Fun Additions to Your Pet Bird’s Diet

Providing your pet bird with a nutritionally balanced diet is of utmost importance.  Seed mixes and pellets form a great foundation for your bird’s...

Pennsylvania Deliberates Strict Exotic Pet Laws

Pennsylvania is considering joining the ranks of the many States that have adopted strict exotic pet laws that are designed to protect the public...

Pig Gets a Day in Court

Wilber is a one-and-a-half-year-old Vietnamese pot-bellied pig who was being evicted by a Houston Texas Home Owner Association (HOA) known as the Cypresswood Community...

How to Select the Right Sized Bird Cage for a Pet Bird

Where a pet bird spends its time can have a huge impact on its well being.  Selecting the proper sized bird cage for the...

Ohio Exotic Pet Bill May Become Law

Columbus, Ohio – The Senate hearings on the proposed bill to strengthen existing Ohio laws regarding ownership of exotic pets is heating up. The...

Do Not Keep Turtles as Pets; Report Explains Why

When you are looking for an alternative to a dog or cat as a pet, turn to animals such as rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs,...

How To Clear Cloudy Water in Fish Tanks

Over time the water in your fresh water fish tank can become foggy or cloudy, making it difficult to see your colorful swimmers.  There...

Change Made at Pet Care Trust Will Spark Positive Impact

The Pet Care Trust is pleased to announce that Brent Weinmann, President and CEO of Vitakraft Sunseed, Inc., has been appointed as President of...

Pets in the Classroom Program Awarded 10,000 Grant

The Pet Care Trust was selected by the William H. Donner Foundation to receive a grant of $10,000 for its Pets in the Classroom...

Why Exotic Pet Laws Should be Strengthened

While it can be interesting and exciting to want to own an exotic pet such as a lion or wolf, the dangers of doing...