Top 5 Small Non-Shedding Dog Breeds

All types of dog breeds require some form of grooming and maintenance, but there are some that require much less because they shed less...

Is Your Dog at Risk for Getting the Flu?

According to recent reports, cases of canine flu have been found in at least 15 states across the U.S., with the highest number of documented...

New Pet Hotel Built for Convenience of Traveling Owners

Dallas, TX - A brand new hotel built with your pets wants and needs as the main concern is giving cat and dog owners everywhere something...

Appalling Story of Starved Pit Bull Turns Tragic

Detroit, MI - What started as a sad story of a pit bull being found starved and abandoned in Detroit has quickly turned into...

Experts Say to Buckle Your Pet in the Car

When you take your pet on a trip in your vehicle, do you put him in a seatbelt?  Most people don't, but according to...

10 Signs and Symptoms of Cancer in Dogs and Cats

Cancer is the number one disease related killer in both dogs and cats, but so many times it goes undetected for too long.  Just...

10 Human Foods That are Safe For Dogs

So many dog owners are more than aware of what human foods are dangerous for a dogs health, but what about the ones that...

Tips to Choose the Best Pet Boarding Kennel

With the holiday season quickly approaching, many pet owners will be faced with the decision of taking their pet with them or finding an...

Study Finds Dogs are More Aggressive When Walked by a Man

According to a recent study conducted at Mendel University in the Czech Republic indicates that dogs being walked by men are four times more...

How to Ensure You Get the Best Dog for Your Lifestyle

If you've recently made the decision to bring a dog into your household, there are a few factors you will want to take into...