A New Way to Keep Track of Your Pets


A lost pet can be one of the most traumatic and upsetting times in a pet owner’s life.  So what if there was a way to make sure that you always know where they are, even while you are work, on vacation, at the grocery store, or with them at the dog park?  Now there is, with the use of GPS and cell phone technology.  The product is called Tagg: The Pet Tracker, and makers promise that if your cat or dog wanders out of bounds you will receive an email or text, complete with a map to find them.

“It’s really kind of an insurance policy or peace of mind,” says Dudley Fetzer, senior director of sales and marketing for Snaptracs Inc., a subsidiary of the telecommunications giant Qualcomm.  Tagg sells for $199 including one year of free service.  After that, cellphone charges for the wireless tracking will run about $60 a year on the Verizon network in the United States.

How does the Tagg tracking system work?

Tagg uses advanced GPS tracking technology that allows you to see where your dog is and be notified if he or she wanders off.  The lightweight tracker attaches to your dogs existing collar, and is designed to be worn at all times, even while swimming.

After you order Tagg, you would create your account, activate the pet tracker, and set up a “geofence” for your dog.  The Tagg tracker securely attaches to the dogs collar with a two-piece clip, then you put on the pet GPS device.

The lightweight dog GPS device attaches to most collars and lets you locate and track your dog using a computer or smartphone.  What about cats?  Yes, Tagg works for cats as well in the same way it does for dogs.  The lightweight GPS cat tracking device attaches to most collars and lets you track your cat at any time of day using a computer or mobile device.

Having a new way to keep track of your pets will bring peace of mind to so many pet owners, and for minimal cost.  You can learn more about this awesome pet product by visiting their website.