Tornadoes Hit Pets Hard in the South


Tornadoes ripped through parts of the South leaving residences and pets stranded in one of the worst disasters caused by tornadoes in years. All Animal Control facilities are acting as animal shelters during this State of Emergency for pet owners who wish to keep their pets, however clean-up from the storms has caused the already overburdened shelters to reach a state of crises.

Space to shelter animals in many areas especially rural communities has always been short in supply but with thousands of homes damaged or destroyed many animals that were separated from their owners now roam the streets and fend for themselves. Add to that the families turning in their pets because they can no longer care for them.

Animal shelters like the Northeast Animal Shelter (NEAS) in Salem Massachusetts are stepping up to reduce the pressure by taking some of the overflow of pets. NEAS took in 33 puppies from Georgia and this is just the first of many shipments to come. The puppies rescue was arranged by Puppy Pipeline Rescue of Georgia.

It’s not just an issue of sheltering these animals but feeding, bathing and medicating them takes toll on the already stressed budgets at many of these shelters. Many shelters operate on a $150 plus shortfall each month and if it were not for food brought in by the staffers there would be no money for bowls, water pails or beds. So you can image what recovering from the devastation of a tornado has done too many of these facilities.

Linda Workman, assistant director of the Tuscaloosa Metro Animal Shelter in Alabama says, “Many (animals) are either injured or emotionally scarred by fear, they’re just as traumatized as the humans.” But Workman says, “I am encouraged by the mounds of supplies that have been donated and the volunteers who come to the shelter.” However, not all shelters are so lucky to have such donations and shelters though out the South are still looking for your help.

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