Missing Cat Rescued From Burned Building 4 Days Later

Photos courtesy of [email protected]

Brooklyn, NY – It was a heroic day for the Brooklyn Firefighters who were able to rescue the family cat that went missing during a deadly fire that broke out last Saturday.  The cat, properly named Fatty Girl for her slightly being overweight, was found and re-joined with her grateful family.

The blazing fire consumed the sixth floor of the Flatbush building where the Gilette family lived, nearly costing them their lives.  Chifton Gilette, Fatty Girl’s owner, her husband, three of their five cats, and their dog managed to escape the burning building, but two cats got left behind.  The fire also left 47 families homeless and killed 62 year-old retiree Mary Feagin.

Distraught owner, Chifton, attended a tenant’s meeting three days after the fire, in the hopes of getting someone to listen.  She tearfully begged Brooklyn Borough Commander Chief, Jim Leonard, to have someone go back and look for Fatty girl and her other missing cat.

Four brave firefighters literally came to the rescue when they returned to the burned building, with little expectations.  Fireman, Matthew LeFace, spotted a husky black cat wearing a pink collar.  “It was initially lurking under the dining room table,” he said, “but it bolted, first into a closet shelf, then into a bedroom.”  In an effort to call the cat to them, they did the first thing that came to mind; One made kissing noises.  Another called out “Hey, kitty,” while another “Pss-sss-sss!”

Thanks to a few firemen with cat-like reflexes, Fatty Girl was safely rescued from its hiding place inside a bed box spring.  Lt. Steve Molino said, “this thing was really trying not to be found, he was quick for a heavy cat.”  The firemen were careful to be as comforting as possible to Fatty Girl while putting her in a zipped duffel bag for the trip back to the fire station; “I don’t want to zip the cat’s fur,” Fireman Ellis Williams said.  Inside the firetruck, the men continued to talk to Fatty Girl, until placing her back into the arms of Chifton’s brother, Wright.

Fatty Girl is expected to make a full recovery, having faired well for herself in the four days she was “missing”.