Parasite Facts Every Pet Owner Should Know About

As pet owners we want the very best for our favorite companions, so keeping them healthy and happy is always at the forefront of...

Pet Product Website Your Vet Doesn’t Want You to Know About

The average pet owner spends literally hundreds of dollars per year on pet products, especially if you are limited to purchasing some of these...

Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs or Cats Naturally

Getting rid of fleas and flea eggs from dogs and cats, as well as from your home brings to mind the common remedy; store/veterinarian...

More Veterinarians Making House Calls

The number of veterinarians who make house calls is growing substantially and this trend will only gain popularity as the benefits are more widely...

Keep Your Cat Loving its Litter Box

A crucial part of being the proud owner of a cat is having a litter box that your cat ALWAYS uses!  Not only can...

10 Signs and Symptoms of Cancer in Dogs and Cats

Cancer is the number one disease related killer in both dogs and cats, but so many times it goes undetected for too long.  Just...

Cats Have Bad Days Too, Funny Photos With a Storyline

Cats have a way of making humans laugh, feel light at heart, and make us wonder what is going on in their mind!  We...

Fur Can Actually Help Pets Cope With the Heat

It sounds counterintuitive but fur can actually help cats and dogs maintain their body temperature in heat of the summer. "Fur actually insulates the...

Cats Color Linked to Determining Personality

There has never been an easier way to determine which cat is best for you than simply picking it out by color.  Studies have...

Pets are Welcome Sleeping Companions

Many pet owners in the U.S. would rather sleep with their pets then with their human partner.  A 2007 survey by the American Pet...