13 Dogs Find Themselves in Guinness Book of World Records

The Guinness Book of World Records is full of set and broken records, some amazing, some weird, and others just plain out of this...

Top 5 Mistakes Pet Owners Make

Having a healthy, well-trained, lovable pet is every pet owners goal when the decision is made to make a dog or cat a member...

8 Ways to Tailgate Safely with Your Dog

Now that football season has officially started, people all over the nation will be tailgating with friends, family, and hopefully man's best friend!  It...

Results Are In: Long Term Health Impacts of Search and Rescue Dogs From 9/11

It has been just about ten years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, but none of the...

Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention for Dental Disease in Pets

The American Veterinary Medical Association estimates that by age 2, 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats will have some form of...

9 Tips to Keep Pets Safe During Labor Day Weekend Fun

Everyone looks forward to an extended weekend, no matter what the reason, but Labor Day weekend is especially anticipated because of the planned events, food, fun,...

Prevent Pets From Being Stolen; an Increasing Crime

The American Kennel Club (AKC) has compiled statistics that bring an unsettling feeling to pet owner's across the nation.  Last year there were over...

Treating Separation Anxiety in Puppies

It can be heartbreaking to watch your puppy become anxious and upset when he knows you are leaving him.  Simply put, your puppy misses...

Top Dog Parks Located in the Central United States

One of the things most dogs love is being outside, playing, running, socializing, and just enjoying the wide open space.  With all of the dog...

How to Keep Pets Safe During a Hurricane

If you are one of the many who have pets and live in an area where the upcoming hurricane is going to impact your...