Where My Dogs At? A Social Media App For Dog Parents


where my dogs at


Find exciting new places that you and your dog can enjoy together. A new social media app helps pet parents find reputable dog walkers, thorough groomers, and of course, the best parks and trails in California. Download the free Where My Dogs At app on your Smartphone to find your dog’s new favorite park.

Downloading Where My Dogs At instantly connects you to other pet owners, complete with ratings and reviews of local businesses in your area. The LA Times describes the dogs social media app as, “Think Facebook for Fido, with a “Yelp for dogs” approach, built around a location-based search and rating of dog-friendly businesses, restaurants, parks and apartments with detailed listings and user reviews.”

The app enables owners to create a profile and post status updates with a share to Facebook. Your feed can be seen by any other pet owner who follows you. Find new pet parents to connect with up to a 10 mile radius. Learn about events and find new play dates for your pup. The dog parent app also helps you find new parks, restaurants where Fido is welcome, and even international spots when you are traveling abroad. Search for a business by name or location. When you visit one, mark your territory (similar to “checking in”) and give them a rating of one to five paws. Your ratings will help spread the good word to other owners of your favorite spots. The app is expected to continue growing with business reviews added daily.

Data is available for West Hollywood, Silver Lake, Echo Park, Los Feliz, Venice Beach and Santa Monica, CA. The Where My Dogs At app is made by BetterPet; a company focused on enriching the lives of pets and owners everywhere. The entrepreneurial company has plans to offer businesses geo-located ads to support future development. Where My Dogs At is one of two apps made to connect owners with pet friendly places and other pet owners. If you want a companion for your best friend, check out their other app called Hello Fido.