Hoosiers Get Pet-Friendly To Raise Money For Spay/Neutering Services

Indianapolis, IN - So what do you do when pet populations continue to rise and pet adoptions decline? That's the problem that faces Spay-Neuter...

Pets Able to Get Vaccines at Walgreens

The idea to provide pet vaccines, like rabies shots, at local pharmacies like Walgreens and pet stores came from the convenience of humans being able to...

New Pet Hotel Built for Convenience of Traveling Owners

Dallas, TX - A brand new hotel built with your pets wants and needs as the main concern is giving cat and dog owners everywhere something...

A Free Day At The Spa For Some Cute Pooches

Pittston, PA - The Luzerne County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was given a special invitation by owners Joe Milazzo and...

Most Popular Pet Friendly Bed and Breakfasts in the U.S.

Vacations just aren't the same when you have to leave your pets at home.  The constant worry that comes with leaving them in the...

Top Dog Parks Located in the Central United States

One of the things most dogs love is being outside, playing, running, socializing, and just enjoying the wide open space.  With all of the dog...

Seniors Helping Senior Pets On “Make A Difference Day”

Most of the time when someone decides to adopt a pet from a shelter, Humane Society, pet store, or pet adoption clinic, the first thing...

Dog Park Etiquette; Brush Up on the Do’s and Don’ts

It has never been more important to brush up on the latest do's and don'ts when taking your furry friend to the dog park,...

Aussie – Border Collie Gets Beer Named In His Honor

Fort Collins, CO - New Belgium Brewing Company of Fort Collins Colorado and Outside Magazine have teamed-up to host a Mighty Arrow Facebook page...

First Ever Pet Expo Features Unique Products Like Dog Wigs

Wilmington, MA - The organizers of this first ever pet expo in New England are expecting to see between 2,000 and 3,000 pets join...