Online Organic Dog Treat Hunt

Chicopee, MA - What is more fun than an egg hunt on Easter morning?  Weeks of Easter egg hunting!  This Easter season, The Barkers...

Top 21 Funniest Dog Names

Did you ever want to give your dog a name that will make not just you but everyone you tell it to laugh?  Dogs...

New Application Helps Dog Lovers and Owners to Study Dogs

Indore, India, ( CDN Mobile Solutions, a leading Mobile Application development company is glad to announce the launch of its new application “Dog Selector”,...

Who Says Pets Can’t Talk?

If you don't think that cats and dogs can talk, the proof is here!  What a better way to spend a few minutes than...

Top Dog Parks Located on the East Coast

One of the things most dogs love is being outside, playing, running, socializing, and just enjoying the wide open space.  With all of the dog...

14 Hilarious Pet Pictures

The pictures in this article were sent to one of our writers in an email and they were just entirely too funny not to...

First-Ever-of-its-Kind, Reno Cat Convention Results

Reno, NV - The results are in!  An astounding number of homeless felines were placed into loving homes as a result of the first-ever-of-its-kind...

Top 5 Most Expensive Dog Breeds

With the literally hundreds of dog breeds, how do you determine which ones are the most expensive?  The list can actually change over time...

Best Virtual Pet Games

So many people are unable to have a pet for one reason or another; some are allergic, some have restrictions like living in an...

Cats Can Learn Tricks Too!

Many people believe that cats either can't or won't learn to do tricks, but that just simply isn't the case.  Take for example the...