Pet-Proofing Your Home

Just as you child-proof your home to keep your little ones safe, it is equally important to be aware of the common household items...
pet acupuncture

Pet Acupuncture – Is it More Than Just a Bunch of Needles?

Pet owners are known for coming up with creative ways to take care of their pets .. but … pet acupuncture? Even in 2013, acupuncture...

9 Tips to Keep Pets Safe During 4th of July Fun

Everyone looks forward to an extended weekend, no matter what the reason, but the 4th of July holiday is especially anticipated because of the...

Keep Pets Safe on July 4th

As the 4th of July approaches and preparations are made to celebrate our nation’s independence, it is important to not forget your pets. Amidst...

Is Your Dog at Risk for Getting the Flu?

According to recent reports, cases of canine flu have been found in at least 15 states across the U.S., with the highest number of documented...

Why Dogs Eat Poop and How to Stop Them

When at your dogs veterinarian's office, the last thing you want to have to tell them is that your dog eats poop, whether it's...

3 Most Common Dog Allergies and Treatments

Allergies are just as irritating and cumbersome for dogs as they are for humans, and account for almost 25 percent of veterinary visits.  There are a...