Your Dog Should Avoid These 5 Harmful Plants


Dogs are among the most curious of creatures, especially when they are outside.  From sniffing, digging, and licking, to taste-testing anything that seems appealing to them, there are a variety of things to watch out for in order to maintain your dog’s health, and to avoid accidental poisoning.  Plants and other types of flora can be particularly dangerous to dogs, of which 5 will be discussed here.

1.  Lilies
Although Lilies are a beautiful flower, the sheer amount of them are what makes them so dangerous to dogs.  Because they can be found in so many places, it can be common to see them while just walking your dog down the street.  If ingested, lilies can cause damage to a dogs kidneys, and even in the smallest amounts can cause vomiting, as well as cardiovascular effects including nausea, slowed heartbeat, and arrhythmia.

2.  Azaleas
Don’t be fooled by this plants bright and attractive color.  In nature the most colourful things are usually the most dangerous.  These flowers can be spotted in the woods and mountain regions, as well as parks and common areas where dogs can be found.  Even in small amounts, ingestion can cause salivation, vomiting and weakness, and can result in a coma or even death.

3.  Sago Palms
These plants are found in the southern regions, and are especially harmful to dogs if licked because of the seeds.  If the dog accidentally eats a seed, it will exhibit symptoms of vomiting, seizure and liver failure, and can lead to death.  The entire plant is poisonous to dogs, so if you see one, keep your dog close by.

4.  Poinsettias
The poinsettia is one of the least harmful plants for dogs, but can still be deadly if an extremely large amount is ingested.  The sap from these brightly colored “winter” flowers will irritate the mucus membrane, causing sneezing and watery eyes.  Although the least harmful, check with your veterinarian if your dog has eaten a poinsettia.

5.  Rhododendron
These are extremely toxic plants to dogs, and can cause a variety of symptoms that could ultimately lead to death.  Rhododendrons are not only toxic to pets, but even to horses and other grazing animals.  If ingested, common symptoms are diarrhea, hypersalivation, coma, depression, and vomiting.

Take every precaution when it comes to your pets, especially when outside.  Be aware of the plants and flowers that could be harmful to your pets, and make every atempt to avoid them.