Top 5 Tech Gadgets for Pet Owners


All rights reserved by DogsatworkAs pet owners, the happiness and health of our furry companions should always be one of our top priorities. With the latest technological advancements, taking care of our pets becomes an easy task. However, there are new gizmos available on the market that can guide us on how to care of our four-legged pals. To help keep them fit and healthy, here is a list of the most highly recommended gizmos for pet lovers.

1. Sphero

Courtsey of GospheroIf you need a chew toy that is durable to withstand any kind of fang, then this item is definitely for you. Sphero is a robotic ball enclosed inside a polycarbonate shell. With its variety of apps, users can control the ball so their cat or dog can fetch and follow it. Its build is sturdy and waterproof so you can bring it with you when you and your pet go to the beach. For the geeky users, Sphero can b programmed which means that they can create their own set of codes equivalent to actions.





Videos courtesy of Go Sphero.

2. Tagg – The Pet Tracker

Courtsey of

According to Verizon, this lightweight collar from Snaptracs helps you to easily locate Fido when he strays too far away from your side through text messages and email alerts. In addition, map details will be available to help owners locate them easily.

Aside from being a nifty GPS device, it also acts as a mobile health tracker. Its Activity Tracking capabilities give details regarding an animal’s health including if they need ample amount of vet recommended exercises.

Video courtesy of Courtesy of Tagg | GPS Pet Tracker & Activity Monitor.

3. Litter Robot

Litter RobotCleaning up your cat’s litter sure is a tough job. Thankfully, the Litter Robot is here to solve your dilemma. After your cat uses it, it will continuously rotate until it segregates out the waste and deposit them into a collection bin that is easy to remove. The litter box’s interior is completely devoid of any wires or cables making it easier for us to clean it. Design-wise, its stylish build is a perfect display on any living room.






Video courtesy of TheLitter Robot

4. Pet Cube

Although we are not always there to check the activities of our four-legged pals, Petcube is a great tool to help you monitor them even when you are away. It is a kind of camera that you place on a shelf or table to view what they are doing in your home. The videos it capture can be streamed directly to a user’s mobile device. You can even talk to them if you want since the gizmo has a built-in microphone and speaker. There is also a dedicated laser pointer so you can play with them at the same time.

Video courtesy of PetCube

5. FitBark

Courtesy of

Frequent monitoring of our companion’s health is imperative to help us efficiently address their needs like diet changes or additional exercise regime. FitBark’s bone-shaped activity tracker automatically sends their vital information straight to our smartphone. If they are into a specialized exercise regimen, it tracks their progress and presents them in a comprehensive infographic. Users even have the option to track their own health alongside their beloved companions. Furthermore, it also detects if they under the weather or if they need some additional physical activity.

With the latest technological advancements, pet owners now have ample devices to keep their furry friend in check. However, they can only work if you know how to utilize these tools properly. Make sure that you take the time to study the latest trends in pet technology so you know which ones to use. Learn more about keep your pets happy by subscribing to our All Pet News channel.

Video courtesy of FitBark

About the Author:

Sookie LioncourtSookie Lioncourt is a London based freelance writer. She writes about pets, wildlife, mobile technology and travel. Besides writing, she loves watching movies and all things fashion. Follow her on Twitter.