New Help to End Animal Euthanasia


Animal shelter overcrowding is becoming an increasingly large problem in the United States, leading to the euthanizing of 60% of these more than 4 million animals, according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).  In an effort to end shelter animal euthanasia, a new website called was created. aims to stop the euthanizing of healthy animals by creating a nation-wide network of temporary foster homes.  FosterSpot wants to save millions of animal lives by relieving shelter overcrowding through fostering.  FosterSpot reduces the number of euthanized animals in the U.S. by creating a network of willing and available foster homes to help with shelter overcrowding.  The public is called upon to register as temporary foster parents.

Registered fosters receive alerts about animals in need in their area.  Shelters can reduce the number of animals they are directly caring for by listing animals on FosterSpot that are suitable for fostering by the public.  FosterSpot simply creates the connection between potential fosters and shelters.  Shelters have the flexibility to contact fosters who submit interest in listed animals and can proceed with any shelter-specific foster prerequisite filtering.  Rescue organizations can also utilize FosterSpot to find foster homes for animals in need.

It seems that every city has a recent news story of a private residence where 30 cats were removed by the local SPCA, Humane Society, or Animal Control.  Such a sudden increase in a shelter’s population puts a burden on the shelter.  This burden can be lessened through temporary fostering using FosterSpot.  Shelters and rescue groups can reach out to potential fosters through the FosterSpot network.

Now that has been released to the public, both shelters and fosters can register to help stop animal euthanasia.  Animal shelters can register their organization and list specific animals that need temporary fostering.  Detailed information including warnings (i.e. “not good with dogs“) and special care needs can be listed for each foster animal.  Potential fosters can browse foster listings and register to receive email alerts from a specific shelter, about a specific species, or for a specific breed.  Fosters can then contact the shelter through the website and work out a fostering arrangement.

Animal shelters and rescue groups should visit to register their shelter and start listing available foster animals.  Willing fosters should register on as a foster and set up the specific alerts they want to receive about available foster animals.  Putting an end to animal euthanasia is right around the corner.

You can help spread the word about by sharing this article, liking their Facebook Page, as well as following them on Twitter.


  1. they didn’t ask to be born.. and they don’t asked to be Euthanasia.. it is Murder no matter what words you use or how you say it

  2. Animal euthanasia should be abolished. CHRISTINA H; you are absolutely right, took the words right out of my mouth. Thank you for expressing your thought.

  3. Yes please! Stop pts. It mrder. Lots of us are networking to save them and looking for home. No ned to kill. That MURDER!!!!!

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